Altria Theater is dedicated to providing a pleasurable theater experience for all individuals.
Should you or your loved ones be in need of further assistance, please call our Box Office at (804) 592-3384, Monday-Friday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Trained service animals are permitted to assist guests inside the Altria Theater. If special accommodations are required for your service animal, please notify us at the time of ticket purchase or by calling (804) 592-3384. Guests bringing in service animals may not take up additional seats unless a ticket has been purchased for the adjacent seat but may request accessible seating. All other animals are prohibited.
Assisted Listening Devices
Assisted listening devices are available upon request from the Concierge Desk located in the Box Office Lobby on Main Street. A valid driver’s license or photo ID will be requested as a deposit for the equipment. We offer two types of receivers, and stock enough of each type to meet ADA requirements according to the percentage of audience capacity. The receivers we distribute most often are the stethoset variety, which includes integrated earbud-style transducers, and are worn like a stethoscope.
We also offer pendant or necklace receivers, which come on their own lanyard and feature a 3.5mm (1/8") connector, which is the standard headphone connection found on smartphones, iPods, ADA ATM cash machines, etc. We can provide these pendant receivers with inductive neckloops, which allow compatibility with T-Coil hearing aids. These receivers are also compatible with cochlear implants featuring 3.5mm Direct Audio Input, personal headphones, or any other device which has a 3.5mm audio input.
Altria Theater offers GalaPro, a new app that expands accessibility services by providing captioning to audiences at performances. The theater is excited to offer this option, free of charge, at all Broadway In Richmond performances beginning in November 2019. Use your own smart phone or small tablet and download the GalaPro app, then follow the instructions to connect to the theater's dedicated GalaPro wi-fi network at the show. A limited number of small tablets are available at the Concierge Desk located in the Box Office Lobby on Main Street. A valid driver’s license or photo ID will be requested as a deposit for the equipment.
The Altria Theater has two (2) public elevator, located to the right and left in the main lobby. This elevator provides access to all levels and is staffed by an attendant for all public performances.
Nursing Mothers Room
Visit the Womens' Lounge on Level 3 which offers nursing mothers a private, comfortable space to breastfeed or pump during performances and events.
Purchasing at the Box Office
Tickets may be purchased online, by phone at (800) 514-3849, or in-person a the Box Office.
The entrance to the Altria Theater Box Office is accessible from Main Street. For more information on locating the Box Office, click here.
Accessible Restrooms are located in the Main Lobby. These restrooms include a private room with the sink in the same room. Any of the Altria Theater staff can direct any patrons to these facilities.
Sign Language Interpreted Performances
ASL interpreters are available by contacting the Altria Theater offices at (804) 592-3368 at least 3 weeks prior to the event for which the services are needed. Interpreter expenses are the responsibility of the show or the promoter.
Wheelchair Seating
Individuals who contact the Altria Theater regarding the purchase of tickets for wheelchair accessible and/or companion seats for reasons relating to a disability will be informed of all available such seating that has not been sold at that time and will be given first preference for such tickets. Individuals can also purchase ADA seats online at
Tickets for wheelchair accessible and/or companion seating will not be sold to any person, except a person requesting such seats for reasons relating to a disability, until all other seats in that ticket category have been sold.